Friday, January 26, 2018

Because The Holidays Are Over, a Gift Arrives, & Glamis Needs To Show Who is Boss

So, the incredible Sue McV sent a package to me in CT via a colleague who teaches professional writing at Fairfield University. He was in Louisville and she was sure to deliver treats for Mt. Pleasant and Glamis. As soon as I found a squeaky toy for Glamis, she was on top of me like a moth to a porch light. They are her favorites.

The tag says that it was turf-tuff, dog-proof nylon destined to last months upon months.

Glamis got the squeaker out in 36 minutes. She did have some fun throwing against walls and hiding it from me before the carnage began.

I should say, however, that I was on a meeting with the Hoops4Hope Executive Board (don't mind that squeaking, my dog thinks she caught a rabbit). I was also prepping for a youth conference with 85 8th graders. It was a busy night and I needed her distracted so I threw her the toy.

Well, my living room is now the intestinal guts of Santa and, with the squeak out, she is done with her mission. She now can care less. The holiday icon has perished, and she's returned to the ritual of sitting on an end table and licking behind my ears as I type.

Note to Dog Toy Makers - Work on the longevity of the squeaky toy. Put the squeaker behind a vault. Make it impossible for her to find it. I'd like to say that my dog maintained one for more than a day. I thought this one might be the one. It was built like wood, but I guess Glamis has beaver in her.

I should report, however, that at least she didn't digest the parts of Santa. Jake, Glamis's best friend, ate Santa's arm over the holiday and puked it up. Pam thought it was blood and took him to the vet.

Ah, dogs.

"Pam," I said when she group sent the photo. "I think that blood has a black mitten at the end."

So, today is Friday. I think my name is Bryan. I'm exhausted and I have a youth academy to lead in an hour. I'm looking forward to it, however, because the Diva and Frog will be back in action again - United!

Phew. January gets me every time, and I'm getting old. I'm tired!

PS: Just went to the kitchen. More Santa innards there: a heart, a kidney, a colon, and a spinal chord.

PSS: Sue also sent Reindeer Food, which was wonderful since I didn't get any in Syracuse this year. And she adds M & Ms to hers! I took one handful, then brought it to Michael. "Dude. These are yours. Don't let me eat the whole bag."

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