Monday, June 11, 2018

Welcomed Home to Syracuse with an Unusual Week of Nice Weather and a Great Evening Sky

Once Chitunga made it through the 30 miles we needed to drive to exit Connecticut, it was clear sailing (but boy oh boy oh boy, Connecticut traffic can be maddening). The two of us listened to three episodes of Intelligence Squared and only made one stop along the way. Even Glamis the Wonder Dog seemed to settle for the 4.5 hour drive.

Pulling into Syracuse I said, "I always love coming around this bend and looking at the Syracuse Dome and city." His response, "Aw, I'm already over that."

I'm not. I always love the return to see what is new, has changed, or needs adjustment. I got a run in while Tunga swam then learned from my father that one of his neighbors got married in Ireland and is there for their anniversary. This was the ongoing story of the night that was repeated a few times, which was beautiful because we had it memorized, almost word for word.

I also took the Sunday evening to vacuum out a winter's worth of dog hair accumulated from said Wonder Dog who is neurotic in the car. I am sure the fur in the Shop Vac could build another dog if we wanted to recreate one.

Chitunga has to finish out two internships this week, so he'll have the now clean car while I bum rides with my parents. To be honest, I'm just looking forward to working from a different space than my office chair and home chair. The change of scenery should serve me well.

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