Thursday, February 8, 2018

First Ever Rain-Day Home From School. Accomplished Much But So, So Depressing

I was expecting more snow when I learned that everything was closing, including Fairfield University. We got a dusting, then the slush, and then rain. I will admit, I did spend a few hours in a raincoat and goulashes pushing the Snoopy Snow-Cone machine precipitation onto the lawn in case the rain didn't wash it all away and/or the temperatures decided to plummet and freeze everything in the evening.  That, and my neighbor fell in Boston breaking an elbow on one arm and a wrist on the other. She stopped by a week ago asking if I could help keep her driveway and sidewalk clean while she recovers, "Otherwise my 90 year-old mom will insist on doing it for me and I'm worried about her." They have a huge driveway!

Middle child. Lover of the outdoors. Always wanting to be a good man.

Of course, reading about the closings at 5:30 a.m. meant that I couldn't fall back to sleep, so I started grading, editing, revising, and planning. My students lost, however, because I told them that if there was a snow day, I would always hold class via ZOOM, which I did. I did say, however, only for 30 minutes. In a semester of 15 weeks, every class counts. I needed to check in with them and to go over what I would have done in class if it wasn't raining so much.

It was sloppy, but it wasn't close-the-universe tragic. I'll take it. Why? Because I worked on POW! Power of Words and am a week ahead of when I found time for it last year. I thought I was behind, but I'm slightly doing okay! Trapped indoors all day, however, also meant I felt guilty about the laundry and the kitchen. I think I folded two months worth of clothes and put them away. It's so annoying, and I hate every second of it, although it did mean 75 minutes away from a computer screen.

This morning, I'm off to Joel Barlow High School for portfolio scoring, one of my favorite events of the year. Of course, it's 35 minutes away and we begin at 7:30, so I will be an early riser once again.

This just in: Two hour delay! I now have to report at 9:15!

I have always been miserable in the morning; I am much, much worse as I age, but now I can have more coffee.

But I do hope we see sun today. If all that rain yesterday was actual snow, it would have been an event. It didn't end. Still, I'm ready for the blue sky now, thank you.

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