Friday, April 6, 2018

Some Rituals Are Too Hard To Pass Up! It's Friday! Now I Have Space to Get Work Done.

You know you are a teacher (or an academic) when you can't wait for the last day of meetings, classes, conversations, obligations, and demands to end so you actually have the time to do all the work that is expected of you.

I can't wait.

One more day of full-day meetings - time spent with the intent to make you a better practitioner - and then there's finally space to actually get work done. I am in need of no distractions for a couple of days, time to actually go through emails, space to actually plant the work that needs to occur, and quiet to be able to concentrate on the teachers and kids that are your priority.

Sad that all of the other work distracts an individual from accomplishing the work they're hired to do.

I can't wait to have space and location to grade, answer emails, plan, and plan, even thought I should take advantage that it's actually the weekend.

Nope. This is like 48 hours of open space to actually process and perform the tasks at hand.

You know you are a teacher when....

You know you're an academic when...

A weekend allows for actual time to get the work done. So, yes, I'm celebrating that it's Friday.

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