Thursday, August 23, 2018

How Quickly He Falls Back To Old Behaviors As The Summer Comes To An End

Abu and Ali left. Chitunga went to Maine for the week, and that has left Glamis and I on Mt. Pleasant all alone. She's a creature of habit and is satisfied with her Purina One. I, on the other hand, realize that cooking an abundant amount of food like I do all summer is a total waste of time. In fact, all the vegetables I roasted over the weekend are in a bowl leftover from the barbecue and birthday party at someone else's house.

The silence at home (and the fact that I've officially ended CWP-Fairfield's summer programs a week ago) has left me with hours to write, plan, tune syllabi, and prepare for November/December conferences. The result?

Who wants to cook?

Not this guy.

And cue Triscuits with Cabot horseradish cheese.


Okay, I also ate several cherry tomatoes my neighbor delivered (wipes sweat from brow as I feel I'm being nutritional).

I can't resort back to this habit again. It's unhealthy and ridiculous, but let me tell you, preparation takes about 30 seconds and I'm good to go and can return back to my writing.

I look forward to Chitunga's return tonight so I have an excuse to be a better chef; of course, he returns to Syracuse on Saturday.

No! Keep me from my lazy culinary habits. Ugh!

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