Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Putting It Into Perspective - @CHITUNGA1995 and @VisliselSue - Opportunity 2018

I was 22 when I moved to Louisville. I was the age that Chitunga is now. I was fresh with new knowledge and curious about the next phase of my life. Lucky for me, I had the honor and privilege of running into Sue McV who quickly became a mentor, a sage, a Louisville mom, a coach, and a friend. I still remember the day she stepped into the Louisville Nature Center curious about who I was (after Lauri Wade told her that this English guy was looking for a placement). Sue arrived to the preserver with Harley on a leash and I had to say, "Ms, we can't have dogs on a nature preserver."

Sue was cool with that, because I was cool with breaking that little rule.

Fast forward. My years in Louisville were extra special because she looked out for me. Sue McV had my back, offered me advice, counseled me when I needed, and helped shape me into the man that I am today. I couldn't think of a better gift to give her this summer than a visit from Chitunga, especially as he is the age when Sue and I met. That is crazy to me, but at the same time it is part of the magic of this life gig we all have.

I did a quick search and wanted to find an image to capture what I'm feeling right now. I found this photograph of two horses and I quickly thought, "This is it. The horse closer to the camera is Sue and the one further away is Chitunga." Sadly, my schedule won't allow me time for a trip to Kentucky but when I learned that Chitunga had the week off and when I asked what is the one thing you want to do most this summer and he said, "to see Sue again," I knew I had to make it happen.

It was a no-brainer.

Of course, Sue taught me everything about being one educator and mentor and I know that right now, at this time in the Great Whatever, it is a phenomenal time for these two to talk. Actually, Tunga talks little and Sue lives by the art of questions, so I'm curious how it will go. I've been thinking the metaphor is Luke Skywalker to Yoda, but Sue is much better looking and a lot wiser than a green swamp creature.

As is common, it will kill me that I can't be there, too, but I see this for what it is - he needs a place to man-up and adventure without me and she needs to move in with a magnifying lens and sense of intellectual inquiry. A warrior in training meets a Woman Warrior who has touched the lives of 1,000s. It is their place to learn from one another, and I'll just have to sit back and hope they will share insights me that they make.

The kid's flight departs at 10 a.m. and he'll return on Saturday. I've warned him of the humidity, but one can't go wrong with a little bluegrass in their soul.

The bags are packed and for the first time he'll fly alone. Everything about this is love. Love given to me by my parents, Sue and Butch, so I could give it to my students. Love given to me by the most phenomenal mentor every so I could give it to the universe. Love from all three so I could invest it in Chitunga. That is beautiful....beautiful, indeed.

1 comment:

  1. Now that I’m through crying I can focus enough to see the keyboard. I’m flattered and embarrassed beyond words...and still wonder where I was when I was supposed to so wise. I missed all that !
    It’s always been a team effort with us—each gives what we’ve got and then just rejoice in the outcome...or learn from your screwup and take a do-over.
    No question in my mind that Tunga gets the metaphor. Just look what he’s already taught you!
    Sadly, We’ll send him back tomorrow (right as the brutal h&h abate). He’s been promised a proper Derby so I know he’ll return. Meanwhile, enjoy the Basil Hayden together. Thanks for sharing. 😘😘😘😘😘😘
    (And I absolutely LOVE the horse image! Thank you for that, too.)
